International Workers' Day, also known as Labour Day in some countries, is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labour movement, socialists, communists or .
Being a traditional European spring celebration, First May is a national public holiday in several European countries, including Serbia. The date is currently celebrated specifically as "Labor Day" or "International Workers' Day" in the majority of countries, including those that didn't traditionally celebrate May Day.
In Serbia this is a national holiday so Serbian workers have a day off and spend it in the nature, so you can expect that the streets of Belgrade will be empty.
Supermarkets and food shop works, but with shorter hours, and the meat shops are always open because is their busiest day of the year. It became tradition that First, May is celebrated with a barbecue in the nature. Barbecuing with family or a big group of friends includes a lot of meat and a lot of alcohol too.
So, if you are sober vegan that doesn't drink alcohol it will be wise to skip invitation of yours Serbian friends on the First May. Restaurants and coffee shops will be open so you won't be hungry in Belgrade.
If you are a meat eater, then you should definitely go to a barbecue with your Serbian friends – it will be a precious memory.
To make it short – piles of meat, rivers of alcohol and a great day are what you can expect from the Serbian celebration of the First May.